Does Medicare Cover Chiropractic Care? Let’s Find it out!

What Is Chiropractic?

Firstly, if you struggle with medical terms, let us tell you what chiropractic care is. Chiropractic is an unscientific, complementary, and untraditional therapy specializing in diagnosing and caring for the musculoskeletal system’s mechanical disorders, especially those of the backbone. 

Chiropractors, particularly those in the ancient past of the profession, have indicated that, via the spinal cord, certain disorders affect overall health. Physiotherapy, especially treating the spine, other muscles, and body tissues, are the main chiropractic therapeutic tool.

Note that chiropractors are not physicians or doctors. Their profession revolves around physical treatment to better your medical condition.

Does Everyone Need Chiropractic?

People think chiropractic isn’t something we all need. Well, you may think that if you’re healthy and your immune system is so strong that your body doesn’t hurt as much for you to need therapy. However, things aren’t the same for everybody.

Generally, receiving chiropractic care can strengthen your body more. Chiropractic is perhaps the only treatment that alleviates your pain without the usage of any drugs. You may think that you don’t need it, but think of it this way; all medicines have side effects. So, why eating all those drugs for something that a chiropractic doctor can easily handle?

Chiropractors help patients get out of discomfort each day. There is now plenty of proof that patient outcomes, cost efficiency, and chiropractic performance are ranked among all sciatica treatment methods in healthcare.

Does Medicare Cover Chiropractic Care?

Medicare basic plan accounts for only one chiropractic service that is the remedy of subluxation or partial dislocation (when one or more bones of your spine are dislocated). That, too, needs to be recommended by your doctor first. 

The Medicare basic plan’s Part B covers for this service. Generally, you need to get Part B (for outpatient services) and D (for drugs coverage) both if you’re getting the basic plan. So, there’s no additional expense to get the chiropractic. 

For this treatment, Medicare would pay 80 percent of the Medicare-approved rate. You are going to owe 20 percent of the total to your therapist. Before Medicare starts paying its share, you must still pay the premium for Part B.

Does Medicare Advantage Plan Cover It?

Well, the Medicare Advantage plan also includes Plan B. If you’re using the Advantage plan, you would know that the Advantage plan covers parts B and D themselves (without you separately buying it).

However, the advantage plan is ensured by individual private organizations, so the plan may differ regarding what they provide. It is better to ask what your plan provides before registering to get on the same page. 

What Doesn’t Medicare Cover?

For other services given or examinations that a chiropractor requests, like acupuncture, massage, or X-rays, you incur all the expenses. Medicare will reimburse a doctor’s prescription for the expense of an X-ray to prove that a spinal subluxation needs therapy but will not bear the expense if a chiropractor requests the X-ray.

What Cost Will You Bear?

Speak to your doctor or health care provider to determine how much your test, object, or service would cost. The particular amount you may owe can depend on many factors, such as:

  • Other coverage that you may receive
  • How much you owe the physiotherapist  
  • if your physiotherapist embraces the duty
  • The service forms
  • Where you receive your examination, object, or service 


No need to worry about the pain now because NewMedicare has got your chiropractic covered! If you are still confused, feel free to contact us for any additional queries.