Medicare is a health insurance program for people over the age of 65 in the United States. People under 65, such as those with disabilities or irreversible renal failure, may be eligible for Medicare. Although it does not cover most long-term care costs or medical bills, the program supports healthcare costs. You can receive Medicare coverage in various ways. This essay will concentrate on Medicare Part C, sometimes known as the Medicare Advantage Plan.
What Is Medicare Advantage Plan?
A Medicare Advantage plan is the right way for getting Part A and Part B coverage under Medicare. Medicare-approved private companies must adhere to its requirements and provide Medicare Advantage Plans, often known as “Part C” or “MA Plans,” You’ll still have Medicare if you join a Medicare Advantage Plan. Still, you will obtain most of your Part A and Part B coverage from your Medicare Advantage Plan rather than Original Medicare. The most prevalent forms of Medicare Advantage Plans are:
- Plans offered by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
- Plans with a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- PFFS (Private Fee-for-Service) Plans
- Special Needs Plans (SNPs)
Hmo Point of Service (Hmopos) Plans and a Medicare Medical Savings Account (Msa) Plan are two less prevalent forms of Medicare Advantage Plans that may be available.
What Has Medicare Part C Covered?
Medicare Part C plans are private insurance that is available via Medicare. These plans, often known as Medicare Advantage plans, offer the same benefits as traditional Medicare but with the added benefit of supplemental coverage. You are eligible for Medicare Advantage Plan if you already have Medicare Parts A and B.
Most Medicare Advantage Plans cover things that Original Medicare does not, such as exercise programs such as gym memberships and some vision, hearing, and dental services.
Additionally, plans might choose to cover even more benefits. Some plans, for example, may include services such as transportation to doctor appointments, over-the-counter medications, and services that improve your health and wellness.
When is it possible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan?
Medicare enrollment is only available during particular times of the year. You cannot always sign up when you want; it is crucial to understand when you can enroll in the various elements of Medicare. Then continue reading.
You can apply for a Medicare Advantage plan online or over the phone once you have found the one you like.
You must supply your Medicare number and the dates when your Medicare Part A and Part B coverage began when you applied for coverage. On your Medicare card, you will find these dates.
● Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)
Your Medicare Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will begin three months before you reach 65, including the month of your birthday, and continue for three more months for a total of seven months.
● Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
From October 15 to December 7, the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) occurs every year. Those people who are already enrolled in the Original Medicare program can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan at this time.
● Particular Enrollment Period (SEP)
There is no particular start date or end date for Special Enrollment Periods. Beneficiaries may be allowed these periods at any time during the year if they suffer qualifying occurrences such as:
- Changing your residence
- If you lose your present health insurance, you will be in a lot of trouble.
- Obtaining the option to seek additional coverage
- Having your plan’s Medicare contract changed
To join Medicare Part C, you must acquire both Parts A and B of Medicare. If you have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), you will not be able to join a Medicare Advantage Plan in most situations. Visit NewMedicare for more information on how to sign up for Medicare Part C.