Untreated high blood pressure is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and other significant complications. Overweight people, those who don’t get enough exercise, those with a family history of hypertension, and smokers are more likely to acquire the condition. The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1,300 people die every day from hypertension that is not under control.

High blood pressure is hard to detect unless it causes severe health complications. Such complications include heart attack and heart failure, stroke, eye damage, kidney disease, vascular dementia, and neurodegenerative disorders.

If you have Medicare and are at risk of developing high blood pressure, here’s what you need to know about your coverage options!

What is Medicare’s policy on covering blood pressure monitors?

Medicare will only cover an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor if you receive renal dialysis at home or your doctor has specifically ordered one for you (ABPM). An ABPM monitors your blood pressure for up to 48 hours.

As long as you are an inpatient at a hospital, your blood pressure checks are fully covered by Medicare Part A.

If your doctor is a Medicare provider, then Medicare Part B will pay for your blood pressure screenings at their office. Part B of Medicare covers preventive care, so make sure your annual checkup includes a blood pressure check.

Risk Factors

Elevated blood pressure issues (also called ‘hypertension’) usually has no warning signs. However, doctors suggest that you can still manage and prevent high blood pressure. The following are a few ways to control blood pressure;

  •         Healthy meals (low salt content)
  •         Consume a low amount of alcohol
  •         Proper stress management (try to remain calm or get therapy)
  •         Healthy weight (exercise if necessary)
  •         Quit smoking

medicareleads.com Is Here for You!

If you have Part A of Medicare, the insurance will include monitoring blood pressure required when you are a hospital patient.

However, if prevention isn’t working for you, you can visit us at medicareleads.com. We provide services regarding;

  •         Blood pressure screening
  •         Telehealth service, virtual check-ins or E-checkups

The good news is, you can even get the blood pressure screenings for free if it is your first visit or annual wellness visit.