People who are 65 or more are eligible to enroll in Medicare. It is a federal health insurance program that covers most of their medical expenses. In addition, it will cover medical expenses for some disabled individuals under the age of 65. In this article, we’ll discuss the Medicare plans in Montana.

Medicare supplement insurance is available to help with some expenses that Original Medicare does not cover. Medigap insurance is a frequent term for Medicare supplement insurance since it helps to bridge the coverage gap created by original Medicare.

Moreover, the Medicare Supplement plan cost in Montana can vary from one provider to the next and also from one zip code to the next. Regarding Medigap coverage, Montana follows the same guidelines as every other state.

Medicare in Montana: Details

For the 2022 fiscal year, Medicare trends in Montana were reported as follows by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services):

  • Approximately 242,242 Montanans are enrolled in the federal Medicare program.
  • Monthly premiums for Medicare Advantage in Montana dropped from $37.48 in 2021 to $28.45 in 2022.
  • In 2022, Montanans can choose from 27 different Medicare Advantage plans, up from 19 in 2021.
  • Medicare recipients in Montana may enroll in any Medicare Advantage plan, including those with $0 monthly premiums, that is available throughout the country.
  • Montana residents can choose from 12 unique Medigap policies in 2022.

Medicare Plans in Montana

Medicare in Montana is a state-funded health care insurance scheme. It’s a healthcare program for adults over 65 and those with certain chronic illnesses or disabilities.

Choosing the proper Medicare plan in Montana depends on your familiarity with Medicare’s various components.

Original Medicare

When it comes to health insurance, Original Medicare is the bare minimum. It’s split between an A and B part.

Services such as these are included in Part A.

  • Hospital care (inpatient)
  • Hospice care
  • Care in a nursing home is not fully covered.
  • Part-time home healthcare services

Part B includes the following:

  • Outpatient hospital care and surgery
  • Screens for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer
  • Blood work
  • Most trips to the doctor
  • Ambulance services

Medicare Advantage Plans in Montana

Private insurance businesses, not the federal government, provide Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans to Medicare beneficiaries. This means you may choose from a wider range of plans, each with its own set of benefits and price structure.

Medicare Advantage plans in Montana may cover:

  • Hospital stays and medical care that are paid for under Original Medicare Parts A and B
  • Prescribed drugs
  • Dental, eye, and hearing care
  • Health club subscriptions
  • Some Forms of Medical Transportation

Medical insurance companies in your area may or may not provide Medicare Advantage plans. Be sure to look for plans that serve people in your area, as they will be specifically designed to match your healthcare needs.

Some of the right Medicare Advantage plans in Montana are offered by the following health insurance companies:

  • Montana Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Lasso Healthcare
  • Exemplar Health
  • Humana

Best Medicare Advantage Plans in Montana

The right Medicare Advantage plans in Montana combine Medicare Parts A and B into one convenient monthly premium. Also, Medicare Advantage plans typically cover prescription drugs and offer other perks for less than $50 per month.

Medicare Supplement Plans in Montana

Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap) is designed to fill in the gaps left by traditional Medicare. Copayments and coinsurance may apply, and some services that aren’t in the basic Medicare plan may be covered. Even if you already have Parts A and B, you may want to consider purchasing these additional plans.

The perfect Medicare supplement plans in Montana can be found from various providers. In 2022, the following organizations will be among those providing Medigap coverage across the state:

  • Humana
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Colonial Penn
  • AARP – UnitedHealthcare
  • Everence Association Inc.
  • Garden State
  • State Farm
  • Lumico
  • WMI Mutual
  • Oxford

Medicare Plans in Montana

Best Medicare Supplement Plans in Montana

There are ten right Medicare Supplement plans available in Montana.  Plan N, the only plan that doesn’t cover anything, is the least popular of the ten options, with Medigap Plan G, the right bargain, coming in a close second (which has copays).

Premiums for Medicare Supplement Insurance in Montana

What degree of benefits you select is a factor here. A high-deductible plan could be the most cost-effective way to get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Prices range from $30 to $45 monthly.

A regular plan will cost you about $100 per month if you don’t want a high deductible. Monthly premiums for Medicare Part G in Montana typically range from $105 to $160. Also, benefits remain the same regardless of whatever insurance plan you choose.

Moreover, Plan F, the complete option in Montana, costs roughly $150-$200 per month, while Plan N, the least expensive option, costs around $90-$120 per month.

Checking the ratings given by different carriers for the same letter plan is therefore essential. Multiple factors could influence your rates.

Medicare Enrollment in Montana

Medicare plans in Montana are helpful to those who are 65 or older and those who have disabilities or certain chronic illnesses. It’s common for Social Security to enroll a person automatically in Medicare Part A.

You can enroll in Medicare Part B, Part D, or a Medicare Advantage plan once you turn 65. In Montana, you can sign up for Medicare if you meet the following criteria:

  • 65 years of age and above
  • A permanent Montana resident
  • U.S. citizen

Furthermore, Medicare enrollment is not restricted to individuals aged 65 and up; coverage may also extend to adults under that age. You can get Medicare if you have a disability or a long-term illness that has gotten so bad that you need a transplant or dialysis. Anyone who has been receiving SSDI payments for 24 months is also eligible for Medicare in Montana.

Medicare Cost in Montana

Part A rates under the original Medicare program can be as high as $499 per month or as low as $0. For each benefit period, Medicare Part A hospitalization deductibles are $1,556. Regarding Medicare Part B, the standard monthly premium is $170.10. Cost sharing for Medicare Part B is $233.

In 2022, a Medicare Advantage Plan in the state of Montana will cost an average of $28.45 per month. The initial payment on certain plans is nothing.

The cheapest Medicare Supplement Plan D premium each month is $6.80.

In Helena, a nonsmoking 65-year-old female will pay between $111 and $356 for the Medigap Extended Basic Plan (new).

Medicare in Montana: By  Numbers

Original Medicare beneficiaries Average plan cost Montana’s annual spending on each recipient Spending per recipient compared to the average for the country
243,242 Part A: $0 to $499 per month*


Part B: $170.10 **

$8,387 20% less


Bottom Line

All in all, more than 240,000 Montanans are part of the Medicare program. Across the state, numerous private insurance firms provide Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. Also, Medicare Advantage premiums in Montana have been reduced monthly for the year 2022. Moreover, if you are a Montana resident and are interested in supplemental health insurance, you can choose from many different Medigap plans.

As you compare plans, keep in mind your current healthcare needs and budget to ensure that the plans you’re considering will help you maintain or improve your quality of life.

Reach out Today at NewMedicare and get your quotes now!